There is Nothing Worse Than a Mad Fat Woman

I was raised to stuff my feelings which I do very well. Along the way while I was stuffing my feelings I have also stuffed myself. I am beginning the journey to become a happier, healthier, firmer and thinner version of my former self. What follows are the ramblings from the journey.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I promise to take more vacations . . .

I am back from Cancun. Land of sun, sand, gorgeous pools, tequila and great food. I think I was mostly good; my serious over indulgences were on sun, mango margaritas and laughter! My friend Mary Ellen is good for my soul. This past week I have laughed like I haven't laughed in a long time.

I am so thankful for my friendship with Mary Ellen. She calls me on my BS, as I call her on hers. We both have a love of Bravo TV, Cracker Barrel, good food, good drinks, family and laughing until we are sick. She is the perfect person to spend time by and in the pool, talking, reading and sharing cocktails. She helped me keep pretty close to my diet and if laughter burns calories I know I burned more than I took in. I hope she had as much fun as I did.

We all need to give ourselves permission to enjoy life, relax and not take the whole diet/exercise/work thing so seriously. While I am not going to go off my plan to eat healthier and life a healthier life style, I am not going to beat myself up, feel guilty or allow others to make me feel guilty if I enjoy a meal or an occasional cocktail. The people in my life who truly love me, love me for the person I am, not because of my dress size or how many calories I don't consume in a day. If someone is going to base their opinion of me as a person based on my weight I suggest you look in the mirror and determine the real reason you want people to love you and ask yourself does Teresa or anyone else in my life love and want to have a relationship with me because of my heart or my outward appearance. I hope you know for me, it is because of your heart and how you treat me and others.

Life is too short. Before I left on vacation someone told me I needed to relax and have a life. "True that!" 

Thanks for all the encouragement and support. Blessings on all of our respective journeys!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Out of Sorts, Out of Patience, Out of Breath & Out of My Mind

It has been a while since I've posted on my blog. I have been a little out of sorts lately. I have had a cough for the past three weeks that sounds like a very angry dog. I love living in the Ohio River Valley during the fall! Work has been busy and I spend most days at my desk working through lunch. Not a good combination. Between the cough, work and shortness of breath I haven't been working out other than some yoga since my last post.

Things that have happened over the past two weeks has really pushed my patience to the limits. Inconsiderate rude people have jumped all over my last nerve. Have you ever been so angry that you literally can't see? I had a situation that pushed me to that place; I don't like the person I became when I was pushed to that point. I have made the choice to stay away from the person that pushes me to that point as much as possible. Thankfully, this person did not push me to the point of massive consumption of chocolate! Close, but I resisted.

I have seen my internist and will be keeping a food journal until I see him at the end of this month. I'm sure most of you who saw my check in at Tom + Chee are wondering about my lunch of grilled cheese with bacon and crushed Grippo's BBQ chips. While it isn't the healthiest of lunches there are worse things I could eat. It isn't something I eat every day. I have been very good with my food choices, drinking my water and staying away from my nemesis candy!

I am leaving on vacation tomorrow. Will I drive myself crazy counting every calorie while I'm away? Probably not, afterall I'm human, not perfect. Keeping a diary is another way of holding myself accountable. All in all I'm happy with my slow progress of 11 pounds down since I started this journey.

As for being out of my mind, my very best friend in the world has taken a job out of the country. It has been a very stressful and sad time for both of us. It is really hard to get use to not talking to this special person in my life every day. My friend is the person whose opinion I value, advice I trust and who makes me laugh when no one else can. My friend is adjusting to the new job and culture. Looking at it as a new adventure helps. My grandbabies sweet faces have put the smile on my face so I won't look old before my time. It is true, grandchildren keep you young!

So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. When I'm walking on the beach I will be thankful for the time off to recharge my batteries, improve my attitude and hopefully lose a few more pounds.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Survival of the Unfit

Tonight, my workout buddy and good friend Lori and I swallowed our collective pride and attended boot camp at the YMCA. The good news is we survived without humiliating ourselves. It is embarassing at how out of shape I have become in only 55 years! UGH! This is going to be a long process but it will be worth every bead of sweat, aching muscle, crunch (not the Captain variety), lunge, and step when I am healthier and have my heart in better shape. Lori and I both learned a valuable lesson tonight - do not eat right before boot camp. At least an hour needs to be between the time of your meal and exercise. We received encouragement from a woman who has lost 100 pounds in a year! She was a great motivator and encouraged us to just keep moving and to not give up.

Tomorrow is a workout on the treadmill - more fun to come!

Weight loss this week was 3 pounds. I will take it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Missing those who have gone on . . .

This weekend I've been thinking about those who have passed away. Of course the person that I think of most is my mom's mother, Mamaw Litteral. Her favorite hymn was "How Great Thou Art". The words have been going through my head for the past few weeks:

O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder. Consider all, the world thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout, the universe displayed;

When thru the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze;

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing , Sent Him to die, I scare can take it in; That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,He bled and died to take away my sin;

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration And there proclaim, MY GOD HOW GREAT THOU ART!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Almost 40 years have passed and a day doesn't go by that I don't think of and miss her. I think she would have loved the link below.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Another week down

Another week down another weigh in to go. All in all it has been a good week. Since the muffin incident I have been to Tazza Mia three times with no slips. My friend Lin gave me some suggestions for fat free muffins I can make myself - thanks Lin, I picked up the fat free blueberry and will make them for breakfast for next week. I love the advice and suggestions from my friends.

Twenty-nine days and a wake up until Cancun! I can't wait to take walks on the beach. Exercising on the beach will be a treat. I'm also looking forward to starting my workouts next week at the Y with my friend Lori.

I want to say thank you to a group of people today who went out of their way to be kind an accommodating. There are still people who believe in customer service. The Cincinnati Reds may not enjoy a winning season, but they do have a winning team of people that work for their organization.

Remember the families and those who lost their lives 10 years ago as a result of a vicious, hateful act. May we never have to experience that type of hatred again.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have been out of pocket for a few days. I have a bad cold and some old habits threatened to come back. We know the old saying, "Feed a cold; starve a fever." Well, I was afraid to the point of shaking that my belief the cure for the common cold was comfort food was going to take over and slap the common sense right out of me. For the most part I did well; lots of water and vitamin water.

I did suffer a small slip yesterday. I was so cold and really craving a good cup of coffee. I walked over to my favorite coffee place Tazza Mia in the Chiquita building. Now it has been a while since I visited Tazza Mia; they probably think I'm in the witness protection program because I was a twice daily visitor. Coffee and a white chocolate scone for breakfast and on some days that afternoon coffee screamed for a molasses cookie with vanilla bean icing. Can you believe I wonder why I'm overweight? I did have my coffee, but I couldn't pass up the cranberry walnut muffin. I guess on the positive I only ate the bottom portion and didn't add a muffin top to my own muffin top. The good news is that even though I had a slip I didn't stay on the path and didn't beat myself up. Today was a new day.

I have now rejoined the Y-M-C-A and have gained a workout partner in my friend Lori. I'm excited to start a workout program again and to be working out with a good friend. Double the benefits.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weigh In Day

Today is weigh in day. To say I was nervous is an understatement. However, the scale was kind and I am down 6 pounds! Thanks Bethenny for the daily workouts.

The YMCA is offering no signing fee until September 17th. I believe it will be a stop on my way home one night this week. I think with a little variety I will be more successful. Anyone else belong to the YMCA who is looking for a workout partner?

I have had a wonderful day with CeCe. She is such a sweet little girl. She is cooing and jabbering up a storm. She was 4 months on August 27th and she weighs 14 lbs. 4 oz and is 25 1/4" long. She has been talking to her Papaw today and spent a good amount of time on Mamaw's lap. I'm glad my parents were able to spend time with her today. Time like this is so precious. It did my heart good to see my mom walking through the kitchen carrying CeCe. CeCe is all fed, dry and snug in bed sleeping like a little angel.

All in all, a very good day weight wise and Nana T wise.

I miss my two best friends. One I will see in a few weeks; the other not for a long time. I pray for them both every day.